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Geospatial Services
Metricon core geospatial services includes technology driven GIS consultancy, geospatial innovations,spatial analysis, Machine Learning and AI focused tools for automated geospatial data processing toolchains and workflows, ICT integrated geospatial software development, Geospatial data solutions, remote sensing data handling, imagery processing tools and geospatial technology implementation for organisation and support.
We design and develop data driven geospatial tools, visualizations and data rendering and analytics workflows that places geographically powered decisions at your disposal for business decisions.
Geoinformation technology provides a framework for situational awareness and problem resolution where geographical dimension becomes critical in situation for analysis of visual imagery, application of geospatial technologies and the craft of intelligence, Geo-intelligence emerges as the critical link.
We provide wide range of Geospatial services covering all phases of spatial data development .We have a thorough understanding of GIS mapping projects cycle ; project planning, integrated spatial data capture, data processing for ( server based, online and desktop) applications, spatial analysis and modelling
Our technical geospatial services enables clients understand GIS technology and helps unpack the existing potential in an organisation data and workflows.-We support you create new and extend existing opportunities within organisation through geospatially enabling your data and fusing GIS tools into your internal business process.
We guide organisation integrate spatial dimension in key business decisions.
- Business analysis and solutions design
- GIS project management and consulting
- Spatial modelling and geospatial analysis
- Locational data Analytics and visualization
- Enterprise geo-enabled application development
- Mobile GIS application development
- Geospatial data infrastructure design
- Geospatial data solutions and platforms
Mapping and Spatial Analysis
We guide clients through projects scope, streamline projects needs and requirements and develop robust and project specific mapping and spatial analysis solutions that deliver responsive outputs .
Our offering includes working with open source, fully new solutions developed from scratch and exiting commercial geospatial solutions that deliver mapping and spatial analysis results for desktop, web based and mobile users and integrate platforms that consume , store, map, visualise and share locational analytics and relation business focused data systems.
Geospatial Data Services
We deploy strategic GIS experience to support organisations create and deploy geospatial and big data analytics thus leverage organisation operations with integrated data, pivotal in creating intelligent locational analytics and locational based decision making through our innovative data handling and processing tools.
Our spatial data services will support key areas
- Review and assessment of existing data infrastructure and organisation spatial and non-spatial data needs
- Provide strategy to make transition from legacy disconnected database systems into coherent, centralised, managed data handling processes.
- Develop enterprise data handling solutions and support users
- Build data mining, analytics and visualization platform and tools that places your business at the pathway of growth
- Develop policies for agency data acquisition, processing and maintenance focusing on how geospatial data can support your businesses when integrated with your inhouse
- Host organisations data and help you leverage on existing free and commercial data
Geospatial Software Development
We combine modern software development technologies and tools to develop and deploy efficient GIS platforms that power integration of geospatial tools in all kinds of businesses . Our technologies integrate both open source and commercial tools
We focus on development of web, mobile and enterprise geospatial platforms using open source geospatial technology that support multi-data format access and integration.
Web have skills in numerous developer tools that power fast development Enterprise GIS products, web GIS solutions, Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) and Mobile technology GIS products.
If you are looking to integrate massive geospatial datasets into your applications, use interactive live- maps in your business , integrate geospatial tools in your enterprise systems and rapidly deploy your work force using geospatially supported decisions, our products is what you nee
AI for Geospatial Analytics
AI methods particularly ML and deep learning helps make the process more efficient but also allows much richer insights and knowledge to be drawn from the data.
Machine learning and deep learning, provide advantages for geospatial analysis and modeling for environmental applications. This includes their ability to handle large amounts of geospatial and temporal data from various sources, and flexibility to accommodate properties of environmental processes.
Geospatial data science
Some of the services we offer include;
- Geospatial data science consulting
- Big data programming and data visualisations
- Data rendering engines and tools development
- Spatial data science application technology and solutions
Mobile Mapping Solutions
Our solutions support large scanning and mapping missions that seamlessly gather, pre-process and render data across user platform.
Vision Systems
Vision system’s capability to recognize objects can be integrated into numerous solutions that capture ,process, monitor an d disseminate geospatial data.
Internet of Things and Geospatial Innovations
Our innovations in integrated IoT and geospatial solutions are endless and always focused on new applications.

Integrate location intelligent data and business activities-powering decisions.

Finding GIS technology trails across businesses depending on locational awareness in key decisions.
Earth Observation and Remote Sensing
Our remote sensing processing services supports users with accurate satellite products,AI and Machine Learning tools and Models, terrain models, cartography and critical data systems that support many applications in agriculture, forestry, geology, water, ocean .
We have appropriate software tools and algorithms that aids process data rapidly and automate integration into your applications.
We support our clients;
- Carry out preliminary studies on project areas
- Development project specific requirements,
- Coordinated new image acquisition tasking covering remote sensing ,UAV aerial imagery surveys
- Project management and data integration into projects activities and reports
- Processing and generation of project specific outputs(orthophotos,3D products ) meeting project accuracy needs.
- Delivery of final outputs to customers in suitable data formats
Metricon has experience with remotely sensed satellite data ,we develop and deploy tools, models and workflows that automates and perform extraction of key information and create insights from various satellite imagery.
By adopting data mining and AI algorithms ,we can automate detection and mining data through a number of toolchains to support various applications.
Remote sensing derived vegetative ratio have been successful adopted in monitoring of crop growth and prediction of crop yield through integrated analysis of these indices with soil, climatic variables.
With partnership with satellite imagery acquisition players and our UAV technology ,we provide high resolution imagery that support various applications e.g. natural resource and environmental management, Energy resources, Urban planning and development,
Are you planning to undertake large scale mapping that require high UAV drone technology and Very High resolution satellite imagery in the following areas.
- Surveillance & security
- Disaster management
- Urban planning & development
- Energy & natural resource management
- Media and Entertainment
- Conservation and Research
- Defense and Intelligence
- Construction and Development
Metricon GIS services includes building geospatial data content management solutions that support integration of multi-source datasets into rich live data backends and user applications that across several industries. Our custom data solutions integrate a number of technologies including Geoserver, PostgreSQL/PostGIS with custom APIs, Tile Servers, Map Proxy.
We build customised data access and rendering solution based on open source and commercial technologies levering on data driven tools and APIs.
Our services also includes building and integrating spatial solutions using ESRI ArcGIS ecosystem and ArcGIS Server enterprise and portal of ArcGIS.
Research & Innovation-AI in GIS and Remote Sensing
Metricon develops research and innovation aimed at advancing use of AI technology in our Remote sensing and GIS services.We continuously incubate , research and develop innovative technology around these and other areas;
- Innovative use of machine learning or deep learning in geospatial data analysis.
- ML and AI tools for remote sensing imagery intelligence.
- AI tech for real-time data analytics and .
- Object detection from high-resolution imagery.
- Sensor technology for unscrewed and unmanned systems
- AI-driven semantic segmentation of 3D models.
- AI for geographical text analysis.
- Crowd-sourced geospatial data analysis.
- Environmental sensor data analysis