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Environmental Media Kit
Data-Centered Climate & Environmental Solutions
Metricon supports organisations understand, mitigate and adapt to climate change and its threats to livelihoods. We power you to effectively respond to climate change related threats e.g. poverty, inequality and environmental degradation and provide systems, data and solutions that ensure projects development climate resilient strategies.
We help communities, businesses, civil society organisations, multilateral development institutions and government partners translate climate science and global climate models into downscaled, locally viable strategies and solutions.

Agro-climate tools for example are contributing to climate-smart agriculture by closing the divide between information and effective action
These tools integrates monitoring of weather and vegetation conditions, seasonal climate forecasts, soil water and water stress estimates within a web-based or Mobile GIS platform that informs climate risk management decisions from farm to national level.
Community-Based smart climate technology and resilience
Climate Financing
Environmental Modelling
We utilize GIS to accurately model spaces and provide accurate data that established information and models that help understand environmental risks for accurate decisions on mitigation measures
Environmental Intelligence Suite
Modeling environmental, climate and weather data and derive insights to predict disruptive environmental conditions, proactively manage risk and ensure sustainability in your operations.